Friday, December 27, 2013

Come what may...

Stuck up in my life crisis, nowhere to go - but don't you feel victorious for the spirit is still alive. Come what may, I shall never say die.

Its easy to flourish and bloom in sunlight but the real test of diamond is in the dark. You shall bright so much that the darkness shall recede.

High is the price of success and it seldom comes with ease. Perseverance is the key you should hold on to. No matter how bumpy the road is, the only way to cross it is to keep moving.

Remember you are gifted and in a far better situation than many others. Be thankful for all that you could experience in your life that many can't even imagine and be strong to handle the adversities life has to offer.

Remember - "If you enjoyed your share of happiness, then its only you who has to face your share of sorrows."

Also remember that I love you for what and who you are. No matter how many mistakes you do, no matter what others think of you. I have and will always adore you for the beautiful, charming soul you are.

You radiate a sparkling positive vibe that makes you so very special to everyone around you. Keep the spirit alive which actually takes a lot of courage that you inherently have.

So no looking back, just keep moving ahead in life with the slogan - "NEVER SAY DIE"