Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Marriage - An institution of LOVE

Marriage – An institution of love…And love is all I have to take your heart away – as if anyone can make u fall in love at first sight…

Well all this and much more is what I have experienced so far and still experiencing – because I am getting married and yes ARRANGED it is.

Things happen overnight – ‘Center of your Universe’ shifts even before you have realized it. You are still floundering with the fact that you are no more single and there is this someone who is sought to be with you forever.

The euphoria all around is making u believe that all is well, compelling you to evolve your own excitement and join the merriness.

Within 10 days experience of getting betrothed, I devised a new term “Marriage Blues” – fear of the unknown.

Suddenly everybody is jumping to guide you, throwing this and that tip about being married. As if preparing you for the coming battle. All married ladies are now your friends, mentors n guides.

Now its the turn of your family members - the younger and the elder ones. Younger ones feeling too fond of you – making u nostalgic, while the elder ones getting hyper in the confusion of the best possible reaction but otherwise feeling gloomy with the idea of you leaving them.

In this hustle and bustle, the new found guy needs your time and attention and vice-versa. You both end up talking nearly every minute of the day over phone (initially, till the fever downs on both sides) while your soon to be left family feels left out.

Amongst all these changes and much more, comes the D-Day when you are going to be legally moved out of one family into another. This is nothing but the hard truth of every girl’s life.

Now you are expected to look the best of the lot this day, for you are going to be the bearer of the throne called “BRIDE”. By god’s grace and help of a suitable make-up artist, you manage to outshine the rest and appear as a divine incarnation of god in human soul decked up from head to toe in jewels :) Now who can say – “Beauty lies in the eyes of Beholder”

Anyway you go ahead and get married under the pressure of all the observing eyes, hesitant of tripping at any point of time, but ending up gracefully.

Finally “All’s well that ends well” and you begin your journey to the center of the earth (like earth there is no end to life)


Life changes, you change, surroundings change, likings change… But what remains intact is your inner self.

Feel at home for there is nothing bigger than your inner self :)